
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Last of Vintage bird images

I hope someone has found these images useful, if you have then please leave a comment so I know I am not wasting my time.....I could be crafting you know!
These birds are the last ones I have. Tomorrow its bugs, critters or insects, whatever words fit your language. There will be some butterflies too, but they are not all that pretty, but that's just my opinion.
See you tomorrow........


  1. Thank you! I was searching for vintage bird and butterfly images for a project I would like to do. Your images are PERFECT!

    Have you seen the new Pottery Barn vintage butterfly pillows?

    At $95, I thought I'd make my own.

    I plan on printing images on osnaburg fabric, and turning it into a pillow.

  2. I totally agree with you 'Anonymous'. Good luck printing onto fabric, a technique I have not tried yet. And yes I know what you mean about the prices, but unique artwork does take an awful lot of time especially if using top quality materials.
    Let me know how you get on.
    Bonne courage!

  3. Hey :)
    what lovely images, I plan to print some bird pictures on card and back with pegs to make pretty decorations for my xmas tree (getting a real one this year!)
    Thanks for sharing

  4. These images are wonderful, absolutely beautiful, thank you for posting them! I am hoping to use one of the birds on my wedding invitiations (I'm crafting them myself)I hope this is okay with you?

    Thank you! Abby XXX

  5. Hi,
    Your paintings are AWESOME.
    I like them very much.


  6. These are wonderful! Thank you so much.

  7. Thanks your beautiful pic! I really really love your pic so I hope my word receive you But My English level is... TT I'll use this pic for card

    Thank you!

  8. Thank-You, Thank-You… these are brilliant!


Please feel free to make any comments regarding my work, it would be very much appreciated. And many thanks for your visit.
Happy crafting!