The S page revolves around black, silver and white. I used embossing powders on the letter S, in silver so that was my start point for the 'colours'.
The background paper is handmade, not by me, swirls of greys white and blacks. The 'left' side metal pars are composed of old necklace parts. Both pages contain vintage Chantilly lace. There's also a square of Black velvet under the 'S'.
The last page 'H' I have started to compose, but I dont think I will be able to get it completed for a couple of days as my Cat has taken a turn for the worse, he has CRF, need to get him to the vets quickly, and spend time with him as he has become very clingy. It saddens me so much to see him so poorly, I have to concentrate on getting him reasonably normal again. He was diagnosed 4 years ago, so between us, we have done well to keep him fairly well up to now.
If you have a Cat with CRF, you'll understand. I found a great website for info: